Gumball 3000

The biggest race in the world

Ricky spent his first 3 years working for the Gumball 3000 as a one-man production house. From its inception, the annual Gumball 3000 rally has evolved into a week-long festival hosted by global cities, closing off streets to organize music concerts, action sports demos and spectacular car shows that now achieve live crowds of over a million people, and a televised and online audience that reaches over 60 million households in over 100 countries.

A rally around the world
Eight cities. Eight days.

The worldwide rally sees up to 150 supercars visit eight cities in just eight days. Among its most famous drivers, you’ll find the likes of Lewis Hamilton, The Hoff, Tinie Tempah, Tony Hawk, Xzibit, Dennis Rodman, Eve and DeadMau5.

Coast To Coast

LA > Las Vegas > Santa Fe > Dallas > New Orleans > Orlando > Miami


London > Amsterdam > Copenhagen > Stockholm > Boston > Quebec > Toronto > New York


London > Paris > Barcelona > Monaco > Venice > Belgrade > Sofia > Istanbul

Cars and Collabs
Gumball Apparel

Limited edition collaborations saw Gumball 3000 clothing lines, designed by Ricky, fly off the shelves in cities such as Barcelona, Boston and Paris.